Trading skin for wisdom,

carving the scream into a whisper

What passes through me,

Will ultimately pierce you,

Freeing this precious matter


in a net of memories

And just like you, here I am, unfurling my tongue,

probing and moistening the


To make titanium gleam

With just enough salt for light

to pass through those

slightly ajar,

For those who hold the


of recognizing rare birds by the hue of their scars

Trading skin for wisdom,

carving the scream into a whisper

What passes through me,

Will ultimately pierce you,

Freeing this precious matter


in a net of memories

And just like you, here I am, unfurling my tongue,

probing and moistening the


To make titanium gleam

With just enough salt for light

to pass through those

slightly ajar,

For those who hold the


of recognizing rare birds by the hue of their scars